Saturday, January 05, 2008


Jerry was a retired sled dog from a local resort. I rescued him this summer along with 4 other resort dogs who were too old to work anymore. Jerry was a handsome fellow, all white except for the brown on his ears. No one knew what his history was, except that he was a trained sled dog (and had no dew claws, so he was from a mushing breeder), and he didn't want to run anymore. Jerry was well socialized and nothing seemed to surprise him.

I noticed as winter started that he was experiencing a lot of pain when trying to stand. His hips were shot. Medications helped a little. I assisted Jerry going in and out of the house, or up the stairs. More recently he was in great pain and having more difficulty; for a while I put off the terrible decision. But yesterday it was finally time and I put him to sleep. The resort thinks he was 11 years old. I think he was about 9. Jerry was very good with our other dogs and had a gentle way about him.


Anonymous said...
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dogsled_stacie said...

Aw, Janice he looks sooooo sweet. Sorry to hear you had to put him down, but how great of you to take him in. Rest in Peace Jerry.

JaniceFBX said...

Hi Stacie,
I wish I knew more about Jerry. He was a real mystery....

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