Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Nibbler (a.k.a. Hannibal) 1994-2007. He was a lovable little guy. Dumped at the shelter when he was 9 years old, although the owner claimed he was 12 at that time. He was barky and a bit nippy, but only when he felt threatened. Nibbler was good with our other dogs, and really enjoyed dinnertime; he was the head cheerleader for meals.


Bailey said...

Hi, what you are doing is wonderful. Those dogs are so gorgeous! My mom used to work for the Humane Society here in GA, and we sterilized about 300 cats in one year with our program. You're right, it is sad how out of control the animal population is - and so unfortunate for the animals. Maybe that is why we have 3 dogs and 2 cats in this house - mom just keeps finding them. Well, nice to meet you, visit my blog sometime! Luv and hugs, Bailey

JaniceFBX said...

Hi Bailey,
Glad to hear your mom is doing big things for the Humane Society. There are so many volunteers and rescue groups working hard all the time; I can't imagine how shelters would manage without them...and even still, there are too many animals.
Nice blog, I'll give you a link. Your dog buddies are really cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Janice...
I'm so sorry about Nibbler. I love that name for him...so nice he found a home who understood that he just needed to nibble when upset, nothing personal. What a lucky boy to have been rescued by you guys!

Nothing like a crew of rescued doggies to make the world go round.

Sending you all a big hug...I hope Nibbler is joining all of his long gone buddies and is playing with Stacie's Kate and my spunk Mammoth somewhere, full of joy and naughtiness!

Sue and the Yahoos

JaniceFBX said...

Hi Sue,
I stole the name "Nibbler" from the short-lived cartoon Futurama; Nibbler was the little pet monster who ate a lot. Very appropriate!

smrp said...

That's such an adorable name...a good fit, too :)

How many punks in your crew now? I'm down to 7 and the house feels so empty without my big senior shepherds to rule everyone.

Have your guys adjusted to the change?

JaniceFBX said...

Oh, I think they don't really notice that Nibbler is gone, although Getty our Akita mix did, Nibbler was his little buddy.

When Sherpa died (he's the photo in my profile), everyone laid around his dogbed on the first night...it was 3 days before Glacier decided to use it himself. Sherpa wasn't the alpha, but he was the king.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Nibbler Janice. :(

He was sure adorable.


JaniceFBX said...

Thanks Stace. Hope you and the crew are doing well. The new house sounds very exciting!

IndyPindy said...

Wow, those dogs are having so much fun! That's wonderful! Great work you are doing!

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