Saturday, November 18, 2006

More Moose Follies

This is what I gotta contend with while scooping poop...


IndyPindy said...

Ahhhhh! How scary! Do the moose ever charge you or break down your fence?

Shmoo said...

Dang! That's nothing like the little moles we catch and kill in our yard here in the east. I think that would take all three of us to capture.


JaniceFBX said...

Hi Indypindy,
The moose do occasionally charge, but it's usually a bluff (thankfully). I'm always trying to come up with new ways to scare moose away (since they make the dogs bark). One thing that works really well is to take a jacket and swirl it above my head (looks like something really big coming at them).
Meeshka, we have plenty of voles (vs moles) here...the dogs do catch them occasionally.

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